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Friday, May 29, 2015

Hello Angel Stadium, re Small Bags of Peanuts,

Hello Angel Stadium,

re Small Bags of Peanuts,

I don't  buy much from the concessions stand, but occasionally I enjoy a few peanuts, and used to buy the $2.50 bag of small peanuts. I still see them posted on the sign for sale but for the past two years now, every time I requested a bag of small peanuts I was told they were "out of small peanuts." Last time I was told this the guy laughed as if it was a joke. Are y ou ACTUALLY stocking the concessions with small peanuts or not? If yes, why are they not very often available, if at all? If no, why do you keep it posted on the sign?



An Angels Fan


"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28